HSC and Equivalent Exams Begin Tomorrow

The Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) and equivalent examinations for this year are set to commence tomorrow, June 30th (Sunday). To ensure a fair and orderly examination process, free from the scourge of leaked question papers and cheating, Education Minister Mahibul Hasan Chowdhury has announced the closure of all coaching centers from June 29th to August 11th.

This year, a total of 1,450,790 students will take the HSC/Alim/HSC (BM/BMT), HSC (Vocational)/Diploma in Commerce exams under nine general education boards, the Technical Education Board, and the Madrasa Education Board. Among these candidates, 750,281 are male and 750,509 are female.

This year, the total number of centers is 2,725, and the total number of institutions is 9,463. Statistics from the nine general education boards show that the total number of candidates is 1,128,281. Among them, 533,680 are male, and 594,601 are female. The total number of centers is 1,566, and the total number of institutions is 4,870.

In the Alim examination, the total number of candidates is 88,076. Among them, 47,592 are male, and 40,484 are female. The total number of centers is 452, and the total number of institutions is 2,685.

For the HSC (BM/BMT), HSC (Vocational), and Diploma in Commerce exams (Technical Board), the total number of candidates this year is 234,433. Among them, 169,009 are male, and 65,424 are female. The total number of centers is 707, and the total number of institutions is 1,908. Compared to 2023, the number of examinees in 2024 has increased by 91,448. The total number of institutions has increased by 294, and the total number of centers has increased by 67.

The theoretical exams for the general education boards will start on June 30th and end on August 11th. The practical exams will start on August 12th and end on August 21st. The theoretical exams for the Madrasa Education Board will start on June 30th and end on August 11th. The practical exams will start on August 12th and end on August 21st. The theoretical exams for the Technical Board will start on June 30th and end on July 18th. The practical exams will start on July 19th and end on August 4th.

This year, HSC and equivalent exams will be held at 281 centers abroad. Among these centers, 47 are in Jeddah, 43 in Riyadh, 2 in Tripoli, 63 in Doha, 44 in Abu Dhabi, 22 in Dubai, 34 in Bahrain, and 26 in Saham, Oman. To ensure the smooth conduct of the exams, the Ministry of Education has issued some guidelines.

This year, HSC examinees (regular, irregular, improvement) will participate in the exams with full marks and full time as per the revised syllabus of 2024. The results will be published within the stipulated time after the exams.

Students must enter the exam hall at least 30 minutes before the start of the exam. If, for unavoidable reasons, any student is allowed to enter after this time, their name, roll number, entry time, and reason for the delay must be recorded in a register and reported to the respective education board on the same day.

The question paper set code will be sent via SMS to the relevant individuals 25 minutes before the exam starts. Except for the officer-in-charge, no one is allowed to bring mobile phones or electronic devices into the exam center. Only the officer-in-charge can use a mobile phone (without a camera).

Only those involved in the exam process (such as candidates, invigilators, inspection teams from the ministry, board inspection teams, district and upazila administration inspection teams, and law enforcement personnel) are allowed to enter the exam center.

The Ministry of Education has also made special arrangements for differently-abled examinees. Visually impaired, cerebral palsy-affected, and students without hands can take the exam with a scribe. These students, as well as hearing-impaired examinees, will be given an additional 20 minutes. Autistic, Down syndrome, and cerebral palsy-affected students will receive an additional 30 minutes and special assistance from teachers, parents, or helpers.

Meanwhile, in response to rumors that the HSC exams have been postponed by a month, the Dhaka Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board issued an urgent notice on June 1st. The notice clarified that the exams will proceed as scheduled, starting on June 30th, as announced. The public is urged to remain vigilant against such misinformation and to rely on official announcements from the education board’s website.

JR Nayan

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