Nine Students Expelled for Life from Jessore University Due to Abduction and Ragging

In a significant disciplinary action, nine students from Jessore University of Science and Technology (JUST) have been expelled for life due to their involvement in abduction and the physical and mental torture of a residential student. Additionally, legal action has been taken against four others who were found guilty but are no longer students of the university.

The decision was made on Tuesday, June 25th, during the 100th special meeting of the university’s highest policy-making body, the Regent Board, held in the conference room of the administrative building. Some members attended virtually, while others were present in person.

The disciplinary measures stem from two separate incidents. The first involved the abduction of job seekers during the lift operator recruitment process on December 7th. The second incident occurred on the night of June 4th, where a student of the Physical Education and Sports Science (PESS) department, Shahreen Rahman, was subjected to a night of physical and mental torture.

Following thorough investigations and subsequent reports, the university’s disciplinary committee presented their recommendations to the Regent Board. Considering the gravity of the incidents, the Board approved the expulsions.

The expelled students involved in the abduction case include Md. Belal Hossain from the Finance and Banking department, GM Raisul Haque Rana from the Pharmacy department, and Nrupendra Nath Roy, Mushfiqur Rahman, Fahim Faisal Labib, and Md. Abu Bakker from the PESS department. Fahim Faisal Labib, who is no longer a student, along with others not currently enrolled, will face legal action under the prevailing laws of the country. They are also banned from entering university premises and residential halls.

In the ragging incident, students involved and subsequently expelled include Sohel Rana, Redwan Ahmed Jisan, Md. Bipul Sheikh, Istad Hossain, Md. Ashikuzzaman (Limon), and Md. Aminul Islam from the PESS department, Md. Belal Hossain from the Finance and Banking department, and Md. Raihan Rahman Rabbi from the Physics department. Those who are no longer students, such as Sohel Rana, Istad Hossain, and Ashikuzzaman (Limon), will face legal action and are also banned from the university premises and halls.

During the meeting, Professor Dr. Md. Anwar Hossain, Vice-Chancellor of JUST and President of the Regent Board, briefed the members about the incidents and the subsequent investigations. The meeting was attended by Kazi Nabil Ahmed, Member of Parliament for Jessore-3, university treasurer Professor Dr. Md. Anisur Rahman, and other distinguished members, including government officials and academic leaders.

This decisive action underscores the university’s commitment to maintaining discipline and ensuring a safe and respectful environment for all students. The administration has made it clear that such behaviors will not be tolerated, and stringent measures will be taken to uphold the integrity and reputation of the institution.

JR Nayan

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