Transforming Curriculum for Practical Application: Education Minister

Education Minister Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury has announced that the curriculum is being transformed to ensure that students can apply their acquired knowledge in real life. The goal is to enable students to relate their knowledge to various aspects of life and to develop minimum competencies. The process aims to make education enjoyable by teaching the practical aspects of theoretical knowledge. Teachers are also being trained accordingly.

He made these remarks today, Thursday, at a prize distribution ceremony for national-level winning teachers, students, and educational institutions held at the International Mother Language Institute in Segunbagicha, Dhaka. The event was organized by the Secondary and Higher Education Division of the Ministry of Education.

The Education Minister stated that urban parents often question the value of their children learning electrical trade skills, expressing a desire for their children to become scientists. However, they need to realize that engaging students in various aspects of daily life is sometimes more important than textbook and institutional education. On the other hand, parents in rural areas do not have such complaints. They are happy if their children’s education includes practical tasks, such as assisting in harvesting rice, as it relates to their daily lives. Rejecting this and viewing education as a process to create an elite mindset can be problematic. Society cannot be effectively managed solely with elite or high administrative positions. Hence, there is a need for transformation in education.

The Minister further mentioned that specialized knowledge should be pursued at the higher education level. The long-standing practice of providing specialized knowledge in schools and general education in higher education needs to be changed. Higher education should focus on specialized knowledge. Overloading students with excessive math and science education at the age of 14 can discourage them. Statistics show that a significant number of science students lose interest in pursuing science at the HSC level after SSC. Therefore, a balanced amount of science and math education is necessary.

Highlighting the importance of mental transformation among students, the Minister emphasized the significance of converting information into knowledge and knowledge into skills. This mental shift is crucial, as what students learn today may not be needed in the future. They must have the mindset to learn new things as they emerge.

The event was presided over by Secondary and Higher Education Division Secretary Solaiman Khan. Other speakers included State Minister for Education Begum Shamsun Nahar, Secretary of Technical and Madrasa Education Division Dr. Farid Uddin Ahmed, and Director General of the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education Professor Nehal Ahmed. The welcome speech was delivered by Additional Secretary of the Secondary and Higher Education Division Mohammad Khaled Rahim.

JR Nayan

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